Cómo crear una landing page

¿Qué son las landing pages?

Las landing pages o páginas de destino son sitios de una sola página con sus propias URL compartibles, que se centran en un objetivo o meta relacionada con tu negocio.

Para crear una landing page sigue los siguientes pasos:

  1. Ve a la pestaña Sitios o haz clic en Crear Sitio desde tu Panel de Control.

  2. Haz clic en la pestaña Landing pages.

  3. Haz clic en Crear nueva landing page

  4. Asigna un nombre a tu landing page y haz clic en Guardar y continuar.

  5. Elige un grupo para tu landing page. Este será el grupo donde se añadirán los suscriptores que se hayan registrado en tu página de destino. A continuación, haz clic en Continuar.

  6. Elige una plantilla a partir de la cual crear tu landing page. Puedes elegir entre Todas las plantillas o alternar para ver categorías específicas.

  7. Haz clic en la pestaña Bloques para arrastrar y soltar bloques de contenido de la barra lateral en tu landing page.

Landing pages are a great way to spread a message. Use a landing page to announce an upcoming webinar, promote a sale or highlight a new product release.

To create a landing page, click Sites and make sure you’re in the Landing pages tab. Create a new landing page and give it a name. In the next screen, you can choose the subscriber group where you want to save new subscribers that sign up via the landing page.

After saving your group, select a design template for your landing page and start adding your content in the next step. On the top you can choose to edit the landing page or success page. The landing page is the page where a reader subscribes, the success page is the page that is shown after people have successfully subscribed.

For each page, choose the content blocks you need and adjust design settings. You can change the overall design settings or adjust styles of each individual content block.

By clicking above the Blocks tab, you can check what your page looks like on a desktop, tablet and mobile view.

When you’re finished creating your landing page, click Done editing. In the page settings you can see and customize the landing page URL. Choose or add your own domain from the dropdown menu in the darker grey box. Underneath, you can adjust the SEO settings (page title, keywords, description and index permission). Lastly, you can also customize the Facebook share settings.

In the landing page overview, you will see a summary of your new landing page. Turn the double opt-in on or off, change the landing page URL, preview and edit the design and check the overall settings. The stats will start appearing once people have signed up.

When clicking on the Confirmation email tab, you can edit the subject, sender information and email content of the double opt-in email that’s sent after every signup.

The Confirmation thank you page tab lets you edit the confirmation page. You can also add your own URL if you wish to redirect subscribers to another page.

Now, when you go back to the Forms tab, you’ll see your brand new landing page. Congratulations!

For more information, check out these help articles:

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