MailerLite Experts

We’ve partnered with Upwork to showcase the very best MailerLite experts. Check out our talent pool and find the perfect expert for your MailerLite project!

Want to become a MailerLite Expert?

Join our community of agencies, consultants, designers and freelancers as a MailerLite Expert. You’ll team up with MailerLite and Upwork to grow your business by helping customers who need your expertise.

Reach global clients

Enhanced visibility and access to a global network of clients on Upwork.

Secure payments

A secure platform for transactions with built-in payment solutions.

Exclusive jobs

Access to exclusive projects and job opportunities through Upwork.

Step 1: Get expert certification

Attend the MailerLite Academy to earn Certified MailerLite Expert status. Our official certification establishes your professional expertise.

Step 2: Connect with 1M customers

Create your Upwork profile and help people all over the world with email strategy, newsletter design, subscriber migration and more!

Have some questions?

What do I need to become an Expert?

To become a MailerLite Expert, you need to:

  • Complete the (new) Fundamentals Bundle in the MailerLite Academy

  • Have a MailerLite account with at least two connected paid client accounts

How much does it cost to become an Expert?

It’s free! However, you need to satisfy the criteria in our Expert program terms. Also, we reserve the right to decline any individual or organization from becoming a partner without notice or explanation.

Who will pay me for the services I provide?

You will own the relationship with the client, thus your client will pay you for your services via Upwork. Rest assured, MailerLite does not earn any commission from your earnings.

Why do I need to have at least two connected paid client accounts?

We ask for at least two references as proof of your expertise with MailerLite. This ensures that all Experts listed in our directory have the required experience and qualifications to help our clients.