
20 newsletter recommendations chosen by the MailerLite team

· 8 min read · Email marketing · May 9, 2019

I don’t know about you, but I currently have 12,223 unread emails in my inbox staring at me. I lost hope in reaching an inbox with zero unread emails a long time ago.

Yet there are a couple of newsletters I subscribe to that I never lose sight of, even amidst all the chaos. I always drag them into the primary tab, forward them to my friends and quote them in my blog posts.

These are my top 3 newsletters recommendations:

  1. Seth Godin: Seth is a thought leader that I admire, as he inspires you to look at the world from a different angle.

  2. Hustle: With the tagline "Your excuse to do epic sh*t," Hustle keeps you informed about everything tech and business. This gem is my alternative morning newspaper.

  3. Messy Nessy Chic: “Messy Nessy” is a London gone Paris lifestyle blogger that sends you all of her weird, funny and always surprising Internet finds.

Curious to know about some other newsletter recommendations? Let’s see what newsletters the rest of the team is subscribed to...

Newsletter recommendations from the rest of our team

With so many cool and informative newsletters floating around the Internet, I wondered what newsletter subscriptions our MailerLite team can’t do without. Their answers gave me a lot of new inspiration for future newsletters, and I hope sharing them will do the same for you!

  1. Mark Maslow: This fitness coach and MarathonFitness founder is authentic, to the point and provides very good tips on health and fitness.

  2. Hacker Newsletter: A must for both developers and designers, as it delivers a weekly roundup of all the top news articles from Hacker News.

  3. Search Engine Land: SEO is ever-changing, but luckily this newsletter makes it easier to keep up by sending you all the must-knows in the world of SEO.

  4. Marketing Land: Looking for a trustworthy source for your marketing updates? Marketing Land sends daily newsletters for digital marketers that include all the latest trends and news.

  5. MarTech Today: Our team loves marketing! MarTech is yet another high-quality source to find out about the latest and greatest in marketing.

  6. Radiolab: Radiolab is a podcast that tackles strange and unexpected questions during each episode. Their production value is amazing! Their newsletter will let you discover many new websites, books, movies and other interesting content.

  7. Tim Ferriss's 5-Bullet Friday: Tim is a startup angel investor, entrepreneur, and podcaster, but you probably know him as the author of books like the 4-Hour Workweek and 4-Hour Body. In his 5-Bullet Friday newsletter, he shares what he’s currently into — from books to shows, good listens and even what he drinks.

  8. Lamixtape: This team of music aficionados sits down every week since 2011 to curate a mixtape. Discover new grooves and listen to their enthusiastically picked jazz, rap, reggae, funk, soul, exotic, and rock songs.

  9. Paul Jarvis: Paul is a designer who loves to write, builds businesses, and runs a ton of side projects. In his weekly Sunday Dispatch, he shares one written article. A diary of sorts, in which he gives valuable advice on how to run a business.

  10. Derek Sivers: Derek is a musician, producer, circus performer, entrepreneur, TED speaker and book publisher. In his short newsletters, he shares life thoughts and lessons, as well as exclusive announcements and opportunities.

  11. Crypto News in 1 Minute: This one is for you, cryptocurrency fans! Save yourself the hassle and get the latest news in crypto compactly formatted and delivered to your inbox.

  12. Hello Baby by Babylist: Soon-to-be-parents, don’t fear. This newsletter is the best source for everyone raising a mini-me (we have several of them at MailerLite). It’ll tell you about what to expect when pregnant, reviews the best products and gives advice on picking the right items for your registry.

  13. MIT Technology Review: The Download gives you your daily dose of what's up in emerging technology. Think articles on climate change, kryptonite, AI, and more.

  14. Digiday: Digiday serves top stories from European media and marketing every day. Expect interesting case studies, insightful reports and new trends to follow.

  15. Girlboss: She went from an eBay vintage seller to #girlboss kicking ass. Sophia Amoruso and her team provide millennial women the tools and connections to redefine the success of their futures. It’s always packed with a good dose of humor, curiosity and vulnerability.

  16. Bulletproof: Bulletproof sends newsletters with articles on how to hack your biology, stay healthy and achieve high performance in your life.

  17. Barnimages: This website is run by photographers and redefines traditional stock imagery. Their beautiful high-quality photos are free to use and will truly set apart your website content.

How you can create newsletters that readers open, save and forward

What makes these newsletter recommendations great? Why do they pop into our minds directly when asked about our favorite things to read?

The main thing that all of them have in common is that they provide value, express their personality and represent uniqueness. These companies researched their target group, found out what it is their subscribers love to read and came up with a concept that fits those wishes.

While creating their concept, they made sure to stick to their unique personality. Take Hustle, this company sends out culture and tech articles to millennials. Nothing outstanding per se, but their conversational tone makes their readers feel like it’s their friend sending them article recommendations. Their tone of voice is bold, authentic and exactly the reason why their newsletter works so well. They’re not trying to please everyone, but focus on a specific niche and adapt their brand to these people.

20 newsletter recommendations chosen by the MailerLite team

Or let’s look at Hello Baby. As new parents, there’s a ton of questions that run through your mind every day. With articles like “How to choose a stroller” or “This is what you can expect when you’re 10 weeks pregnant,” Hello Baby offers useful knowledge and make life easier for their readers.

20 newsletter recommendations chosen by the MailerLite team

Same goes for the marketing newsletters our team loves so much, like MarTech Today. We want to be in the know, but we don’t have time to constantly browse the web looking for the latest trends. That’s why we subscribe, and while we are busy with our daily to-dos, we know that all the important trends will find a way to our inbox. Easy and free of charge!

20 newsletter recommendations chosen by the MailerLite team

For your branding, take a look at Bulletproof. This company sells high-performance food, drinks, and supplements, but don't expect product-packed newsletters. Instead, they worked out their personas, dissected what their lives look like and address much wider topics as a result. Living your best life doesn’t only mean eating the right food, it also means productivity hacks, sleep improvement tips and mental health.

20 newsletter recommendations chosen by the MailerLite team

If you want to create newsletters that subscribers love, it’s important to mix value with a strong personality and a voice that represents your uniqueness. Find out what your readers want to read (use our survey blocks!) and put exactly that information in your newsletter. Then, deliver the content in a way that it feels like they received it from a friend. Personal and valuable!

So, now that you know what newsletters make our hearts tick a little faster, we’d love to know your favorite newsletters. Please share in the comments!