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Feature: Forward to a Friend

· 3 min read · Updates · Oct 8, 2015

You’ve probably already noticed there’s a button in your newsletter footer – Forward. It’s something your subscribers can use to forward your newsletter to a friend.

Forwarding the email using this button is much better than just forwarding using your default email client forward feature. First of all, recipients of the forwarded email won’t be able to unsubscribe the original recipient. Secondly, you can track who forwarded the email and how many times.

How does it work?

When a subscriber clicks on Forward to a Friend button, they're taken to a page where they can enter their friend’s name and email address. There’s also an option to add a personal message. Subscribers can send to only one friend at a time. After they forward the email to one friend, there is a message that allows the subscriber to send to another friend.

How can I add the Forward button?

The Forward button is added by default to all MailerLite editors. If you’re using your own HTML code, you can add it anywhere in your newsletter as a custom variable like this:


This will generate a link to a Forward to a Friend page.

Keep in mind, that the Forward button is displayed when your footer is set to Social share mode, not Social link. Here’s an example:

Forward to a Friend how it works MailerLite

Where else can I find the Forward button?

Using our drag & drop editor, select the Footer 3 block from the Footer list to see the forward button.

Footer 3 block in the drag and drop editor

Help! It doesn't work in my test emails

The Forward to a Friend button only works with actual emails not test emails. This applies to the share, unsubscribe and personalization buttons as well. All of these will work when you send the email to your subscribers.

Where can I see forward stats?

To see who forwarded your email, go to campaign report and select Link Activity or Subscriber Activity.