Why emails get delivered to Gmail's Promotions tab

Gmail has different inbox tabs, including Primary, Social, and Promotions. Emails are delivered based on constantly changing algorithms and other factors, such as subscriber engagement, sender information and the content of the email.

Gmail uses these tabs to organize your emails to avoid clutter in the Primary tab and to separate spam from your real Promotional emails.

The Promotions tab is an additional inbox that is originally included in most Gmail inboxes. However, this and other additional inbox tabs can be disabled by the user to have all or most emails delivered to one primary inbox.

Readers expect to receive promotional and business emails in their promotions tab rather than personal emails.

Gmail’s filters scan your email before it is delivered to your subscribers. Based on different factors, Gmail places your email in any of the tabs the subscriber has active.

Marketing, business, and bulk emails that are sent from an Email Service Provider (ESP) can be placed into the Promotions tab if Gmail believes your email contains promotional messages such as deals or offers for your subscribers.

It’s important to remember that this tab is not like the Junk or Spam folder. This is simply an inbox where subscribers expect to see promotional and business emails.

It helps keep marketers’ emails out of the Junk or Spam folders. Because of this, the addition of this tab has improved deliverability, open rates, and lowered spam complaints.

As an Email Service Provider (ESP), we do not have the ability to control where your email will land. Where your email will be delivered solely depends on Gmail’s algorithms and other factors, such as subscriber engagement, sender information, and the content of the email.

To increase the chances of your email being delivered to the Primary tab of your subscribers, be sure to always send engaging emails and successfully manage your email list. We recommend using our own in-house email validation tool, MailerCheck to keep a clean subscriber list.

Here are some helpful tips that can increase your chances of your email being delivered to the Primary tab of your subscribers:

Last time edited: Feb 26, 2024