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Brave offers several premium plans starting at $59/year.

You can access their pricing information here.

Integration support

Get in contact with Brave.

Brave is a conversion tool for WordPress sites where you can build over 200+ powerful conversion widgets, pop-ups, surveys, and forms to attract as many site visitors as possible. 

When you integrate MailerLite with Brave, all of your collected leads and subscribers are automatically added to your email list.

  1. On WordPress, head to Brave Popups and click on Integrations.

  2. Select the MailerLite logo. 

  3. Enter your API key, which you can find on your Developer API page, and click Connect.

  4. Head to any of your pop-ups with an opt-in form and click on Action from the settings panel.

  5. Enable the Subscribe visitors to Newsletter option, select MailerLite, and finally select the group where your subscribers will be added upon signup. 

That’s it! Now your MailerLite and Brave accounts are connected and you can choose which forms will be synced to your email list.

You can also use the following third-party integration platform, Integromat, to connect MailerLite with Brave: