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Zapier offers a free plan. Paid plans start at $19.99/month, billed annually.

You can read their pricing details here.

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Note: This integration works with accounts created on the new version of MailerLite.To integrate with a MailerLite Classic account, please use this integration instead:

Zapier lets you connect MailerLite with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required. Integrate with all the tools, applications, and services you need to manage your business.

  1. On Zapier, select which app you’d like to connect to your MailerLite account and follow the steps on the screen. 

  2. When asked, authorize your account.

Your MailerLite account has now been officially connected to your Zapier account. You will also have to enter the API key of any other apps that you wish to connect to.