Intellectual Property Guidelines

These Intellectual Property Guidelines (“Guidelines”) apply to MailerLite customers, partners, employees, outside suppliers and vendors, and other third parties. The scope of these Guidelines is to explain whether it is acceptable to use MailerLite Trademarks or other Intellectual Property for the aforementioned parties, and whether it could cause penalties or other negative financial impacts regarding the inappropriate use of Trademarks or other Intellectual Property assets of MailerLite.

Please note that throughout these Guidelines, "we", "us", and "our" refer to MailerLite, and "you", "your", and "yours" refer to a particular person or entity who uses or intends to use any form of MailerLite Trademarks or any other Intellectual Property asset.

1. Trademarks and other Intellectual Property protection

1.1. Intellectual Property assets are part of the non-physical property of a business. They are legally protected and that protection can be enforced in a court of law.

1.2. The term Trademark refers to a recognizable phrase, word, or symbol that denotes a specific product and legally differentiates it from all other products or services of its kind. A trademark is a sign capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one enterprise from those of other enterprises. Moreover, Trademarks are protected by Intellectual property rights.

1.3. Our Trademarks, logos, icons, names, copyrights are our Intellectual Property and are important assets of the company. Therefore, we take seriously every illegal or inappropriate use of any MailerLite trademark and are prepared to defend it under the applicable Intellectual Property Laws.

1.4. Under Intellectual Property Law, it is strictly prohibited to incorporate MailerLite Trademarks or other Intellectual Property assets into your own product names, service names, trademarks, logos, domains, subdomains, or company names, etc. It is absolutely not acceptable to adopt any marks or logos that are confusingly similar to MailerLite Trademarks or other Intellectual Property assets (icon, visuals, design, content, etc.). Furthermore, the aforementioned violations may cause penalties and other negative financial and non-financial causes for the infringing party.

2. Use of MailerLite Trademarks and Intellectual Property

2.1. You can use any MailerLite Intellectual Property asset without our written permission if you follow these rules:

- you may use MailerLite Intellectual property assets that are available for download on MailerLite’s website here;

- you may not alter, animate, or distort trademarks, logos, other Intellectual Property assets or combine them with any other symbols, words, images or designs, or incorporate them into a tagline or slogan;

- you may not use the MailerLite trademark or any other MailerLite owned Intellectual Property asset (symbol, logo, icon, etc.) in a disparaging or degrading manner, for example, using the MailerLite Trademark in activities like affiliate marketing or “spamming”, etc.;

- you may not use any MailerLite Intellectual Property asset more prominently than your product or service name;

- you may not incorporate MailerLite Trademarks or other Intellectual Property assets into your own product names, service names, trademarks, logos, domains, subdomains, or company names, etc.;

- you may not use MailerLite Trademarks or other Intellectual Property assets in any way that is contrary to these Guidelines or MailerLite’s Terms of Service.

2.2. If you independently hold courses or training on how to use the MailerLite platform, you must follow these rules:

- you shall not include the word ‘MailerLite’ in your website’s domain or subdomain name;

- you must include a statement on your website (or in any other material where you use the MailerLite trademark or any other MailerLite owned Intellectual Property) mentioning that you are an independent service provider that is not associated with MailerLite;

- in case you do not have MailerLite’s written permission, you must not use materials where copyrights are owned by MailerLite, including but not limited to, MailerLite’s training program, videos or any other materials;

- you may not use the same design of the material of your courses, training or website as it is used on MailerLite’s website, application and / or other publicly available material;

- you must ensure that MailerLite’s clients are not misled that your courses, training and / or website belong to MailerLite;

- the additional requirements outlined in Clause 2.1 apply to you as well.

3. Permission

3.1. If you have any doubts that the use of MailerLite Intellectual Property assets may not comply with the conditions set out in Clause 2, you can always apply for the issuance of written permission to use MailerLite Intellectual Property.

3.2. If you are interested in obtaining permission to use a MailerLite Trademark or another Intellectual Property asset, contact us via this contact form.

3.3. When asking for permission, we kindly ask you to specify the following information:

- purpose of use;

- information where Intellectual property asset will be placed (shown) or used;

- the form of Intellectual Property asset that will be used (trademark, company name, logo, etc.).

3.4. MailerLite has the right to reject the application regarding the issuance of permission without any detailed explanation.

3.5. MailerLite reserves the right, at its sole discretion, without any detailed explanation, to cancel at any time the permission to use a MailerLite Trademark or any other Intellectual Property asset. You must immediately stop using any of MailerLite Intellectual Property assets, upon receipt of our written notice.

3.6. The permission to use any Intellectual Property asset cannot be transferred to other third parties.

3.7. Keep in mind, the issuance of the permission does not release the party from liability for improper use of the Trademark and damage to the reputation of the Trademark or other Intellectual Property asset.

4. Changes

4.1. MailerLite reserves the right to change these Guidelines at any time. If we decide to change this document, we will post these changes on this page. All changes are effective immediately upon posting and we suggest that you check these Guidelines periodically.

5. Contacting MailerLite

5.1. If you have any questions regarding our Intellectual Property assets, please contact us any time via this contact form. Also, if you become aware of any usage of MailerLite Trademarks or other Intellectual Property assets in violation of these Guidelines, please contact us via email above.