Understanding your dashboard

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When you log in to your MailerLite account, you will land on your dashboard. Here you’ll find an overview of your account activity for your review.

First, you will see the statistics of your last sent campaign, which includes the number of recipients, and the rates of opens, clicks, and CTOR (click-to-open rate). You can also click View report to access a much more detailed report of the campaign.

Afterwards, you will find the performance overview reports for your subscribers, campaigns, automations, forms, and sites. You can filter these reports by time: last 7 days, last 30 days, last 2 months, last 3 months, last 6 months, this year, or last year.

The Subscribers section gives you the following information:

  • Total active subscribers - The amount of active subscribers in your list, which excludes unsubscribers, spam complaints, bounces, and deleted subscribers.

  • New subscribers today - The amount of active subscribers that have signed up to your list today.

  • New - The amount of new active subscribers who have signed up to your list in the chosen timeframe.

  • New subscribers this month - The amount of new active subscribers who have signed up to your list in the current month.

  • Unsubscribed - The amount of subscribers who have opted to unsubscribe from your list in the specified timeframe.

You can find a graph of subscribes vs unsubscribes below these statistics in the specified timeframe.

The Campaigns section gives you the following information:

  • Emails sent - The amount of emails sent in the chosen timeframe.

  • Opens - The amount of times your emails have been opened.

  • Clicks - The amount of times your emails have had a link clicked.

  • CTOR - The click-to-open rate (number of unique clicks divided by the number of unique opens, times 100).

You can find a graph of opens vs clicks below these statistics, as well as a table that also shows the rates for unsubscribes and spam complaints per month.

The Automations section gives you the following information:

  • Active automation workflows - The amount of workflows that are currently active and not paused.

  • Subscribers in the queue - The amount of subscribers currently in a delay step.

  • Emails sent - The amount of emails sent in all automation workflows in the chosen timeframe.

  • Completed subscribers - The amount of subscribers who have completed an automation workflow in the chosen timeframe.

  • Unsubscribed - The amount of subscribers who have unsubscribed directly from any of your automation emails in the chosen timeframe.

  • Most completed automation workflows - The workflows which have been completed the most in the chosen timeframe.

The Forms section gives you the following information:

  • All active forms - The amount of forms (pop-ups, embedded, promotion) that are active and not paused.

  • Signups - The amount of signups your forms have had in the chosen timeframe.

  • Average conversion rate - The amount of signups divided by the amount of visits your form has had, times 100, in the chosen timeframe.

  • Top subscribed forms - The forms with the most signups in the chosen timeframe.

The Sites section gives you the following information:

  • All published sites - The amount of sites (landing pages and websites) that are published.

  • Signups - The amount of signups the forms in your sites have had in the chosen timeframe.

  • Average conversion rate - The amount of signups divided by the amount of visits your form has had, times 100, in the chosen timeframe.

  • Top subscribed sites - The sites with the most signups in the chosen timeframe.

When you log in to your MailerLite account, you will land on your dashboard. Here you’ll find an overview of your account activity for your review.

First, you will see your Latest sent campaign. You can examine the open/click rate of your latest sent campaign and jump to its report by clicking View report.

Below that, you’ll find six sections: Subscribers, Your plan, Subscriber growth, Monthly campaign stats, Automation, and Forms.

The Subscribers section contains the following information:

  • Unique active subscribers - This is the number of unique subscribers that are in your active subscribers list (so that excludes unsubscribed, deleted or bounced subscribers)

  • New this month - This is the number of new subscribers that have joined your list this month

  • New last month - This is the number of new subscribers that joined your list last month

The Your plan section displays an overview of your plan including its usage and limitations. First you will notice your current plan. In bold is your plan’s limit (the number of subscribers your plan allows you to send to every 30 days). To the right is the total number of emails your plan allows you to send each month.

Directly beneath that, you’ll find the following information:

  • Unique subscribers used - This is the number of unique subscribers that you have sent a campaign to in the last 30 days, and will count towards your plan’s limit (this includes subscribers that have since unsubscribed, bounced or been deleted)

  • Account approval level - This shows the number of unique subscribers you’ve been approved to send to in a 30 day period

Note: In some cases, you may notice that your plan’s limit and your account approval level don’t match. This is because your account must be reviewed by a dedicated account manager before your approval limit can be raised. You can submit your latest campaign for review on the scheduling page, or contact our customer support team.

  • Emails sent - This shows the total number of emails you’ve already sent in the last 30 days

Under Subscriber growth, you’ll find a bar graph overview of your subscriber growth over the last six months.

Hover over any month to see the number of new subscribers obtained that month.

Here you’ll find your monthly campaign statistics from the last three months. You can toggle to view monthly campaign stats from the last six months by using the dropdown menu to select Last 6 months.

The statistics shown in this section include:

  • Campaigns - The total number of campaigns sent that month

  • Emails sent - The total number of individual emails sent through those campaigns

  • Opened - The number and percentage of opened campaigns

  • Clicked - The number and percentage of subscribers that clicked at least one link in a campaign

  • Unsubscribed - The number and percentage of subscribers who unsubscribed via your campaigns

  • Spam complaints - The number and percentage of subscribers that your campaigns as spam

You can export your monthly campaign stats by clicking the Export button and selecting either Export CSV or Export CSV for Excel.

To review individual campaign stats, learn how to analyze campaign reports.

In the Automation section, you’ll see the number of active workflows in your account along with the following data:

  • Emails sent this month - The total number of emails sent via automation workflows this month

  • Emails sent last month - The total number of emails sent via automation workflows last month

The Forms section displays the number of forms (including landing pages) you have in your MailerLite account. You’ll also find:

  • Signups this month - The number of subscribers who signed up via one of your forms this month

  • Signups last month -  The number of subscribers who signed up via one of your forms last month

Last time edited: Sep 6, 2023