If you offer a paid subscription service or paid newsletter, use the Membership renewal template to remind your premium users to renew their memberships on specific dates.
This workflow uses custom date field. You will need to create a custom field and populate it with membership start dates in order to build this workflow.
Go to the Automation page and click New automation
Select the Membership renewal template
Select the trigger The exact match of a date and choose a group for the trigger (e.g. Members)
Select to trigger the workflow 3 days before the date and select the custom date field (e.g. Memberships)
Specify the time of the day you want the email to trigger
Use the Email step to send the membership renewal reminder
Below you’ll see a Condition step. On the Yes path, click the Action step. Select Update custom field (e.g. membership renewed) and choose With value: Yes.
On the No path, an Action step will remove subscribers from a group. Select the group from which you want to remove the subscribers (e.g. Members)
Save the step and turn ON your workflow
This is just one great example of how you can use this template. You can edit this template as much as you want to make it work for you. The sky is the limit!