Promotion pop-up forms overview

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Promotional pop-ups are designed to give information, rather than collect subscribers. Use promotional pop-ups for important announcements such as sales, website maintenance and downtime, or to announce a new book release. 

To create a promotional pop-up form:

  1. Navigate to the Forms tab

  2. Click Create form

  3. Name the form and choose Promotion as the form type

  4. Click save and continue

  5. Choose a template

  6. You will be taken to the drag and drop editor where you can customize the form and success page until they fit your brand. By hovering over each element in your form, you can see a pencil icon appear over each individual block. Once you click on the pencil icon for a specific block, the settings for that block will show on the right side of the editor. Here, you can change text, images, font sizes and color, as well as alignment options and much more.

All of our forms are responsive. To see what your form looks like on mobile, click on Preview at the top of the editor, and navigate to the mobile tab. 

You can view your edit history and easily undo any recent changes you've made by clicking on the reverse icon at the top of the editor next to the Preview button. 

When you’ve finished, click Done editing. On the settings page you can choose from a variety of behavioral options:

  • Set a timed delay to wait before showing your pop-up

  • Set the amount of distance that the person will have to scroll down the page before the pop-up shows up

  • Set to show a pop-up before the visitor closes the page. Our intelligent code will understand when the user is about to close the page and will prompt the pop-up.

The Frequency settings allow you control how often the pop-up will show up to visitors who view it and do not subscribe. 

Schedule settings control when your popup shows on your website. You can show it anytime, or choose a start and end date. 

In your Visibility settings, you can decide whether to have that pop-up form show on every page of your website, some pages of your website; or you can choose to hide it on specific pages of your website or specific devices.

For more information, take a look at these help articles on how to create a pop-up form and how to hide/show a pop-up form on specific pages.

We’re about to make sure no one will ever miss your promotions again. With 8 new pop-up templates, all your promotional needs are covered.

To use the promotions forms, first go to Forms, then click on the Promotion tab and hit Create promotion. Give your form a name and move on to the next step. Here you’ll see 8 different promotion templates.

The first one is a mystery sale pop-up, which you can use on a specific day and direct to your promotion page.

The next one is a powerful survey pop-up. You can use these on any page and even run surveys for specific articles or pages. The answers are automatically saved in your MailerLite account.

The third is a countdown pop-up that counts down to a certain time and date. Then we have the product pop-up, that highlights one product (and is perfect to announce a new release, for example). The mobile app pop-up can be used to promote your app, as it has buttons that link to your Apple and Google Play store.

Then there’s the webinar pop-up. It comes with a funky little image (that’s customizable) and motivates visitors to sign up for your upcoming webinar.

You can also use a social pop-up, which asks people to like your Facebook page. Finally, there’s the announcement pop-up. This one is useful if you want to make an announcement, such as an out-of-office notification or scheduled website maintenance.

Browse the list underneath to see the detailed tutorial videos on each template.

You can also read this knowledge base article on how to create a pop-up form.

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