About MailerLite's refund policy

We are required to provide a refund only if we terminate our Services to you without cause before the end of a year for which you have paid. There is no other circumstance in which you will be entitled to a refund from us, including:

  • We do not provide refunds if your account is suspended because of violation of our Anti-Spam Policy or these Terms. We do not refund monthly/yearly plans (incl. upgrades) if it turns out that you’re sending (or were going to send) newsletters a) without having permission from your subscribers, and/or b) with prohibited content as per section 9 of our Terms of Use

  • We do not refund any unused or partially used plans (monthly or yearly) when you did not use or partially used the Services, and/or forgot to cancel your plan, and/or if you canceled immediately after your credit card was charged for the new billing period. A refund will not be applied if you purchased a wrong monthly/yearly plan (even by mistake), and/or decided to cancel your subscription after the purchase because of functionality.

  • We treat all customers equally, so we don’t make exceptions to this policy.

We may, at our sole discretion, offer refunds in other situations in accordance with the requirements we post on the website or in the mobile app, which may be changed from time to time. In any case, the refund can only be made within 30 days from the last transaction date. 

If you are an individual and you use MailerLite services not for your trade, business, craft or profession purposes, you have a right to request a refund within 14 calendar days from the day of agreeing with MailerLite’s terms. If you breach MailerLite’s terms and your account is suspended or terminated, the refund option is not applicable.

For more information, please read our Terms of Use and our Anti-Spam Policy

Last time edited: May 11, 2023